St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


The 方济会的研究所's training program in Franciscan mission-based leadership.

帕多瓦计划在全球网赌十大网站 helps Franciscan institutions and ministries transmit the values of Saints Francis and Clare to new generations of leaders.

将这一使命注入到方济各会学校的日常运作中, 医院, 静修中心, 社会服务项目需要有能力的领导者. Individuals completing the Padua Program will increase expertise in preservation and promotion of the Franciscan legacy. 

帕多瓦项目是四年前由老布朗设计和指导的. 玛格丽特·卡尼,0.S.F.全球网赌十大网站; Fr. 大卫B. 啊,女裁缝师.F.M. 帽., 方济各会的执行理事; and Dr. Pauline Albert,作家、研究员、教师和组织专家. 它教育了来自教育领域的五组参与者, 卫生保健, 社会服务和静修.

帕多瓦是圣方济会学院的一个项目. 博纳旺蒂尔. 该研究所从事三个主要的学术领域:研究, 刊物及工作坊, 以及关于方济会思想传统的研讨会和学术会议.

帕多瓦计划 hosts its workshops in the 大学 Conference Center in Doyle Hall on the SBU campus.



帕多瓦计划 is an educational program in Franciscan mission-based leadership for directors, 方济各会机构的管理者和领导者. 它包括在St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学(第一部分),以及9个关于Zoom的月度研讨会.

项目的第一部分在圣何塞大学校园举行. 在博纳旺蒂尔大学呆了三天. All accommodations (an air-conditioned townhouse apartment and all meals) are included in the registration fee. Participants will have an opportunity to meet one another in person and begin the study of Franciscan spirituality and apply it to the latest research on leadership in both profit and not-for-profit enterprises.

This workshop will be an introduction to the Franciscan movement, its meaning and values. 这些会话, 有适当的阅读材料, will guide participants through an understanding of the meaning of the Franciscan tradition, 正如圣. 弗朗西斯和圣. 阿西西的克莱尔.

由国内一些研究方济各会的顶尖学者指导, participants will study the unique features of Franciscan leadership as proposed by these two founders of the Franciscan movement. We will explore what it means to have a Franciscan mission and a Franciscan institutional vocation in the 21st century.

This next section of the course is devoted to monthly seminars that address the tasks and challenges of Franciscan mission-based leadership in various kinds of institutions (education, 医院, 社会服务, 等.) 与会者还将探讨以下专题:

  • 什么是方济会的宣教领导?
  • 方济各会的使命和边际
  • 方济各会的使命和组织伦理
  • 特派团干事的作用和通过该机构的关系
  • 作为任务领导者的战略规划
  • 方济会决策模型
  • 组织的任务评估


第六组: 7月17-20日,全球网赌十大网站.
成本: $3,000



我们风景优美的校园欢迎多样性和奖学金, and our 大学 Conference Center is newly renovated for comfortable adult learning.

坐落在纽约西部魔山的山谷中,St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 provides a relaxing venue for community building and interactive learning about Franciscanism and leadership.

Our Padua Team will bring to the table years of scholarship and practical experiences in mission development and 集成, 组织与领导力研究, 道德, 以及商业咨询. This interdisciplinary approach will enhance personal skills and institutional integrity.  
查询详情请联系Fr. 大卫女装设计师, 方济各会的执行理事, at (716) 375-2160, 或者海蒂·施特劳斯, at (716) 375-2062. 给我们发邮件, 点击这里.


We have assembled a great team of specialists in Franciscan life and spirituality, leadership and management across the various 各部委及机构 that Franciscans run and sponsor today.